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First Place Winner - 2017 United Nations Public Service Awards!

24 July 2017

government award winners
The Fund My Community initiative was awarded first place winner at the 2017 United Nations Public Service Awards held in the Netherlands. The 2017 international awards received 552 nominations from 62 countries with 8 winners announced. The Fund My Community website was developed by Katalyst Interactive, and was an initiative of the South Australian Department of Premier and Cabinet

Fund My Community involved engaging the community to decide how $1 million dollars would be used to improve the lives of disadvantaged, isolated or vulnerable South Australians. As a digital participatory budgeting program, Fund My Community invited South Australian citizens to take part in a “community assessment,” reviewing the applications and allocating the funding to the projects or services that they believe would have the biggest impact. Fund My Community contributed to socially disadvantaged groups by building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. 

Since 2011, The Department of Premier and Cabinet have continued to choose Katalyst Interactive as their development vendor for community engagement software. Our relationship has spanned many years and fostered the evolution of the YourSay website. Since the release of the current YourSAy platform over 40 individual government agencies have created around 400 engagements as well as over 18 different types of initiatives based on the foundation of YourSAy, including award winning Fund My Neighbourhood and Fund My Community initiatives.

Highlights from Fund My Community

  • 147  Ideas submitted
  • 5043 votes submitted
  • Over $2 million public funds allocated to projects by the community