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Wrapping Up 2024: Team retro, disc golf, and dinner in the city

17 January 2025

Andrew, Operations Manager
To close out the year, we got together for our annual end-of-year team event and dinner. Each year we take time to reflect on our achievements as a company followed by a team activity, and some friendly competition. This year our team voted to do disc golf for the second time (and you can read about our first disc golf tournament here).

The weather was perfect, with plenty of sunshine, setting the stage for a full day of activities we had lined up. 

Retrospective reflection on 2024

Each year, we choose a different theme for our team retrospective. Previous themes included a spacecraft and an Aussie ute. This time, we went with decorating a festive Christmas tree. We drew a tree on a digital whiteboard, and one by one, each team member stood up and spoke about their memorable milestones and achievements, drawing them as ‘decorations’ on the tree. A chance to reflect on everything we accomplished in 2024.

Next up was a relaxed lunch with sandwich wraps and drinks. After lunch, we dove into team showcases, where staff shared projects they had worked on throughout the year.
Team retrospective at Base64
Wraps for lunch

Disc Golf in the Parklands

Then it was time for disc golf. This year, we stepped things up by getting our own set of discs, with each person equipped with a driver, mid-range, and putter. Stephen, embracing his role as caddie, loaded up his cargo bike with our discs and an esky of drinks.
Disc golf in the parklands
Disc golf in the parklands
We played two rounds and as always, it was a mix of skill and plenty of luck. Some played it safe, sticking with the same disc for every throw, while others took a more strategic approach, switching between their putter, mid, and driver to match the shot. Ever the tactician, Stephen introduced a technique of gently tossing the putter straight into the net, which quickly caught on with others. 

A few discs landed in the creek, adding an unexpected water hazard to the course. Andrew attempted a backwards throw, which ended with his disc lodged high in a tree. Jamie got creative with his throws, incorporating jumps and acrobatic mid-air moves.
Disc golf in the parklands
Disc golf in the parklands

Wrapping Up with Dinner

We rounded off the day with dinner at House of George on Vardon Avenue. The team chatted away as we were served up various courses of yummy tasting dishes. 

Here’s to another fantastic year—bring on 2025!
Dinner at House of George
Dinner at House of George